
Conversations with Karen


How did you become a business and life coach

How did you become a business and life coach

I have been blessed to do what I love – helping my clients in their businesses- for over twenty years. Doing their accounts, tax returns, pay roll and general legalities. So the transition to help even more people- worldwide was an easy one- as I came to realize that I had been doing this as part of my business already. I invested in training to become even more of service During this transition my business and life changed completely in many miraculous ways. Changes occurred that I had never even dreamed were possible. My relationships with my loved ones, with my staff and clients blossomed. My self-care and self-love became an automatic response! I set personal and business boundaries that have both protected my confidence and moved my business to a completely new level of success. My world now reflects a new me!


I had reached at the beginning of my transition, a crossroads in my personal and business life: having the responsibility of paying the bills for a business that did not quite “satisfy me”, nor was I sure of paying my bills on time despite having been in that business for 20 years. I knew there was something more, much more rewarding on every level and that if I was able to pull through this, then I had the responsibility to reach out and help others to avoid my mistakes and live their lives to the max!  I had a choice to succeed or fail: I chose the road to success. I no longer live in fear of losing existing clients, no longer worry about new client-generation, I have time for my family, my dreams and my growth as well as a new found depth in my capacity to help others.


I had thought about closing my business of 20 years but I received the clarity that I was able to continue my service to my clients in a new, vibrant and life-changing way.

If I could do it, why not show others to? I become obsessed in helping others avoid stagnating and dying a slow business death or living third class lives. I had found my mission, my big why!

Magical Marketing Mindset™ was the way to help change lives!
I noticed that there were many other business owners and professionals struggling with this same challenge: overwhelm, constant worry, stress and pressure and non-existent self-care
So my transition formulas and ” tried and tested practices” are now available!
I established my own daily practices, applied marketing and mindset to my biz and this had an incredibly positive impact in my life, my family’s life and my clients’ lives. In really caring for myself I was better able to care for my biz, I was no longer exhausted and overwhelmed. I was so excited about these amazing results from my own practice, that I created a series of programs to share this wisdom and insight with others.
I integrated my routines, programs and products into CLIENT MARKETING SOLUTIONS ™ and can offer my support and knowledge to reinforce my clients’ commitment to changing their lives and businesses. I am deeply grateful to be dedicating the rest of my professional life to supporting and inspiring others to Magical Marketing Mindset ™ !

What exactly is Magical Marketing Mindset ™?

What exactly is Magical Marketing Mindset ™?

Magical Marketing Mindset™   is the art of creating a system of marketing for your ideal clients, setting up routines and practices and integrating these into a personalized and automatic system that means a constant stream of ideal-fan clients, more income, less work and a lifestyle business or profession that leaves a legacy for you and your loved ones., by deeply developing and encouraging your own potential and growth in order to live with more joy, vitality and meaning.

Tell me more about the Magical Marketing Mindset™ programs

Tell me more about the Magical Marketing Mindset™   programs

Our Programs include: The MMM Self Study Program™ for those who prefer to work at their own pace. The MMM Client Marketing Solutions Program™ , for those who want a little more momentum, more accountability and tangible results quicker, and our The MMM Star Program™ with private coaching one on one calls, for those who want seriously important results immediately.
These products can be used as part of your daily practices from day 1 and will make a HUGE difference in your life and business or profession

We also organize “Magical Marketing Mindset ™ “Workshops and provide private individual mentoring.

What is your background?

What is your background?

Change east coast to west coast

I am originally from Bangor, Co Down, Northern Ireland, a coastal town a few miles from Belfast. I studied Physiotherapy at the Ulster University, then moved to Spain, to the marvelous sunny island of Tenerife, just off the east coast of Africa. I am married with an 18 year old daughter and we live on a small farm in the hills with our dogs, cats and happy hens!
In Spain I have studied to become a Language teacher and then a Property and Business Manager; having had the experience of owning my own businesses for over 22 years.
Now in CLIENT MARKETING SOLUTIONS ™ I am guiding others to successful lifestyle business, for them to avoid making my mistakes and to getting out of the pitfalls of typical traditional business practices in the least time possible!

Who are the clients you work with?

Who are the clients you work with?

Throughout the years in my private practice, I have worked with clients with a variety of businesses and professions: these techniques work for any business and professionals that are go-getters, movers and are committed to their change!

What results will I get from working with you?

What results will I get from working with you?

More ideal clients, more income, more time to do what you en-joy, more freedom to really make a difference in your business or profession, To live the life of your dreams, to set your boundaries and keep to them, to live life from the front seat and drive your own destiny, full of self-care and self-love.

Do you take credit cards?

Do you take credit cards?

Yes we do and you can also pay thru PayPal.


If I have more questions can I call you?

If I have more questions can I call you?

Would love to connect! We have a complementary call system: book today!

We can Skype or facetime!


Contact Information

Avenida Chayofita, 15  – Edificio Condado – Puerta 15 – 88650 – Los Cristianos – Arona – Santa Cruz de Tenerife – España

Email: info@clientmarketingsolutions.com

Phone: (+34)  922 753 432

How did you become a business and life coach

How did you become a business and life coach

I have been blessed to do what I love – helping my clients in their businesses- for over twenty years. Doing their accounts, tax returns, pay roll and general legalities. So the transition to help even more people- worldwide was an easy one- as I came to realize that I had been doing this as part of my business already. I invested in training to become even more of service During this transition my business and life changed completely in many miraculous ways. Changes occurred that I had never even dreamed were possible. My relationships with my loved ones, with my staff and clients blossomed. My self-care and self-love became an automatic response! I set personal and business boundaries that have both protected my confidence and moved my business to a completely new level of success. My world now reflects a new me!


I had reached at the beginning of my transition, a crossroads in my personal and business life: having the responsibility of paying the bills for a business that did not quite “satisfy me”, nor was I sure of paying my bills on time despite having been in that business for 20 years. I knew there was something more, much more rewarding on every level and that if I was able to pull through this, then I had the responsibility to reach out and help others to avoid my mistakes and live their lives to the max!  I had a choice to succeed or fail: I chose the road to success. I no longer live in fear of losing existing clients, no longer worry about new client-generation, I have time for my family, my dreams and my growth as well as a new found depth in my capacity to help others.


I had thought about closing my business of 20 years but I received the clarity that I was able to continue my service to my clients in a new, vibrant and life-changing way.

If I could do it, why not show others to? I become obsessed in helping others avoid stagnating and dying a slow business death or living third class lives. I had found my mission, my big why!

Magical Marketing Mindset™ was the way to help change lives!
I noticed that there were many other business owners and professionals struggling with this same challenge: overwhelm, constant worry, stress and pressure and non-existent self-care
So my transition formulas and ” tried and tested practices” are now available!
I established my own daily practices, applied marketing and mindset to my biz and this had an incredibly positive impact in my life, my family’s life and my clients’ lives. In really caring for myself I was better able to care for my biz, I was no longer exhausted and overwhelmed. I was so excited about these amazing results from my own practice, that I created a series of programs to share this wisdom and insight with others.
I integrated my routines, programs and products into CLIENT MARKETING SOLUTIONS ™ and can offer my support and knowledge to reinforce my clients’ commitment to changing their lives and businesses. I am deeply grateful to be dedicating the rest of my professional life to supporting and inspiring others to Magical Marketing Mindset ™ !

What exactly is Magical Marketing Mindset ™?

What exactly is Magical Marketing Mindset ™?

Magical Marketing Mindset™   is the art of creating a system of marketing for your ideal clients, setting up routines and practices and integrating these into a personalized and automatic system that means a constant stream of ideal-fan clients, more income, less work and a lifestyle business or profession that leaves a legacy for you and your loved ones., by deeply developing and encouraging your own potential and growth in order to live with more joy, vitality and meaning.

Tell me more about the Magical Marketing Mindset™   programs

Tell me more about the Magical Marketing Mindset™   programs

Our Programs include: The MMM Self Study Program™ for those who prefer to work at their own pace. The MMM Client Marketing Solutions Program™ , for those who want a little more momentum, more accountability and tangible results quicker, and our The MMM Star Program™ with private coaching one on one calls, for those who want seriously important results immediately.
These products can be used as part of your daily practices from day 1 and will make a HUGE difference in your life and business or profession

We also organize “Magical Marketing Mindset ™ “Workshops and provide private individual mentoring.

What is your background?

What is your background?

Change east coast to west coast

I am originally from Bangor, Co Down, Northern Ireland, a coastal town a few miles from Belfast. I studied Physiotherapy at the Ulster University, then moved to Spain, to the marvelous sunny island of Tenerife, just off the east coast of Africa. I am married with an 18 year old daughter and we live on a small farm in the hills with our dogs, cats and happy hens!
In Spain I have studied to become a Language teacher and then a Property and Business Manager; having had the experience of owning my own businesses for over 22 years.
Now in CLIENT MARKETING SOLUTIONS ™ I am guiding others to successful lifestyle business, for them to avoid making my mistakes and to getting out of the pitfalls of typical traditional business practices in the least time possible!

Who are the clients you work with?

Who are the clients you work with?

Throughout the years in my private practice, I have worked with clients with a variety of businesses and professions: these techniques work for any business and professionals that are go-getters, movers and are committed to their change!

What results will I get from working with you?

What results will I get from working with you?

More ideal clients, more income, more time to do what you en-joy, more freedom to really make a difference in your business or profession, To live the life of your dreams, to set your boundaries and keep to them, to live life from the front seat and drive your own destiny, full of self-care and self-love.

Do you take credit cards?

Do you take credit cards?

Yes we do and you can also pay thru PayPal.


If I have more questions can I call you?

If I have more questions can I call you?

Would love to connect! We have a complementary call system: book today!

We can Skype or facetime!


Contact Information

Avenida Chayofita, 15  – Edificio Condado – Puerta 15 – 88650 – Los Cristianos – Arona – Santa Cruz de Tenerife – España

Email: info@clientmarketingsolutions.com

Phone: (+34)  922 753 432